Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bath Time!!!


Emily said...

So awesome, guys! We get news about you from the Pipers (all lies, I'm sure), and were delighted to hear about Gus. He is a beaut.

Sounds like all is well, other than the fact that he sleeps late with his mom--in my experience, that is NOT normal in a child so young, and makes me worry about him. ;)

All the Best--Emily, Esme & Paul.

the larsons said...

it;s 2:43 am and i'm up with meg. what a greay blog! i will check it lots.

i cant believe how long gus's legs are.

Anonymous said...

yay! so excited to see your wonderful little blog!

john and i have one as well, though we've been a bit bad about updating it; it's at:

hope y'all are well!

Amy Cameron Evans said...

gus's fans would like another post, please ;) xoxo