Saturday, November 10, 2007


Sara said...

He is so beautiful. We can not wait to hang with our little friend Gus.

Katy said...

Thanks, Sara. We can't wait to see y'all, too! Gus will be fast friends with your boys, I'm sure.

the larsons said...


I know mom said I can't date older guys, but after seeing those pictures, she changed her mind.



Brenda Marie said...

That is one cute baby. I cannot say I am surprised.

I am so bummed I will not in NC for Thanksgiving.

Amy Cameron Evans said...

dear gus, please send me a donkey. love, amy

Amy Cameron Evans said...

dear gus, isn't it a bummer that your fingers don't taste like pie? love, amy

Amy Cameron Evans said...

ps: please tell your mama that i love her. your papa, too.

Katy said...

Dear Amy,
Please come back and visit me soon. I miss you!
Love, Gus